HEARTS Mission
HEARTS (Helping Enrich the Arts of Port Washington) is an independent, grassroots not-for-profit 501(c)3 community organization whose mission is to add meaningful value to children's lives and our community by supporting, promoting and enriching the arts in Port Washington and its public schools.
HEARTS Achievements
- Funded over 250 grants district-wide since our founding in 2011
- Interactive high-quality programming in theater, music, fine arts, creative writing, dance and much more (See photos here)
- PortFest, a community art and music festival celebrating arts in Port Washington
- Curtains Up, an after-school musical theater program for elementary school students
- Dancing Classrooms, a partnership with the Creative Arts Department, HSA/PTAs, and The Ed Foundation
- Scholarships for art and music students for college and the Port Washington Summer Music Program
- To raise significant funds to create new initiatives as well as add value to existing visual and performing arts school programs
- To advocate and educate the community of the importance of arts education in children's lives and our community
- To create opportunities to celebrate, strengthen and promote the unique culture, arts, history and community of PW
- To engage residents and businesses to build meaningful, productive connections between our community and public schools
- To encourage mutual cooperation among various community constituencies with an absence of provincial & political conflicts
- To serve as a catalyst to encourage development of & investment in music, art & culture in PW
- To be a respected & productive organization led by a team committed to realizing HEARTS mission, vision and core values